Mistakes are Instrumental for the Evolution of the Soul
Image: Matthew Henry
Mistakes are very purposeful and are created by design by the Soul for the purpose of growth.
We are born onto planet Earth as growth-seeking beings.
Our role here on Earth is to heal from within by doing the inner work, healing the Soul, expanding the Soul’s consciousness, healing our spirit (the physical entity part of us) as we experience challenges, discovering our Soul’s purpose also known as the Sacred Contract, and fulfil our Sacred Mission. Ultimately contributing to making a positive difference in the evolution of planet Earth via humanity, the animal kingdom, via Gaia - Mother Earth, or the spirit world.
A person’s Soul creates mistakes purposely. Why may you ask?
The first time is not a mistake. When a situation, circumstance, or event, transpires, you may say something you wished you had not said, you may omit speaking when you feel you should have spoken out, you may do something you feel you should not have done or you may not do something you know you should have done, is all related to growth.
However you have experienced the energy, the soul has created whatever has transpired for the person to learn something, healing energy from within, or could change a particular behaviour.
The first time what we may deem as a mistake is the opportunity we are given to heal something within us, or the opportunity to change our behaviour. The Soul does not see it as a mistake. It considers it an opportunity for growth.
When the lesson is not understood and the growth opportunity is not acknowledged and addressed, the Soul will recreate the energy via the same person, or people or use another avenue. The energy will continue to be recreated and will be amplified which can lead to very uncomfortable and often painful situations.
Be gentle and kind to yourself whenever you make a mistake. Refrain from berating yourself! It is being done for you and not to you.
You are constantly being given the opportunity by your inner self to heal experiences, emotional wounds, and energy from past lives.
Observe the situation from the perspective of growth purposes.
Mistakes are imminent and are an integral part of the Soul’s journey.
Ask yourself, what am I meant to learn from the mistake I just made?
How do I correct the mistake?
Forgive yourself and other people who were in any way connected to the lesson or growth opportunity.
No one is perfect. We are all on Earth to learn, grow, heal from within, change, transform and evolve.
If you are unable to see or identify the mistake on your own, ask a trusted person, friend, relative or acquaintance whether they can identify the growth opportunity or the lesson you are being given.
Alternatively, you may meditate and request your Higher Self to inform you of the growth opportunity or lesson you have been given and how to transform the energy.
Your willingness to see the mistake and want to transform the energy is what the Soul is seeking.
Meditation is beneficial to obtain clarity about situations.
Prior to meditation, it is beneficial to cleanse the area where you will meditate. Frankincense, Sandalwood, sage incense sticks or incense cones, and essential oils, just to name a few, are useful products to clear areas of negative energy.
Refrain from being in an area where incense sticks or incense cones are burning. The fumes are toxic and unhealthy for the lungs. Ensure there is adequate ventilation, and open windows or doors when cleansing areas with incense. Wait until the incense has completed burning prior to being in the area. Essential oils are safe to be used during meditation and healing practices.
Prior to meditation, request to connect with your Higher Self-consciousness. Drink a glass of water (avoid alcohol, coffee, and black tea, as they are stimulants and hinder Higher Self-connection). Raise your vibration by expressing gratitude aloud to the universe for the positive, amazing, wonderful things in your life (we all have things to be grateful for). Then in a positive, high vibrational state of being meditate. Still your mind and listen to the internal wisdom which comes forth from your Higher Self.
Your Soul rejoices whenever you meditate, and you do any form of inner work that transforms energy.
For more information about understanding the significance of your Soul repeating lessons, repeating health challenges or chronic illnesses which do not respond to medication or treatments, and growth opportunities, I invite you to book an energy healing session, or coaching call with me. I will clarify the answers you are seeking.
You can contact me via the Contact page or email me directly at lisa@caringenergetichealing.com