The difference between your Spirit & Soul
Image: Leon Biss
The spirit is the physical entity part of the person. It consists of our name, personality, nationality and more. Our spirit is one aspect of our Soul. Through our spirit the Soul expresses itself via the experiences we have.
Every time we have had a past incarnation, we carry that experience forward and that being we once were remains with us, as an inner being. The Soul is therefore the collective consciousness of all of the beings we have been through all our previous incarnations. It is the older, broader and wiser part of us.
The physical and spiritual body (also known as the aura), is the temple which houses our Soul.
Every person’s Soul is wanting the inner work to be done. Why? The Soul wants to be released of past emotional wounds, experiences, conditioning and core negative beliefs and even the energy of illnesses which sometimes belong to our Soul.
Whenever a challenging situation or experience transpires during one’s life, it is an opportunity to heal energy from within you.
The Soul co creates with a person or people for the purpose of spiritual growth.
Within every negative circumstance or condition there is always a silver lining present if one chooses to see the positive aspect of the experience. It is created for you and not done to you. Why? The purpose of growth.
Feeling victimised when unpleasant and challenging situations transpire is not the answer. The SOUL-U-TION is within you.
The Soul created the experience so one can feel it to heal it.
As the inner work is done, the Soul experiences healing and results in expansion of the Soul’s consciousness. The Higher Self consciousness rejoices whenever growth is done.