History is repeating itself
Image: Hermes Rivera
We are not living on planet Earth by chance.
The choice was made as a Soul to come to Earth for the purpose of growth, as we are growth-seeking beings.
However, millions of people have forgotten why they emerged and were born onto planet Earth and are living their lives not being aware there is much more to their person. They are more than their name, personality, nationality, career, financial status, world status, and more.
The Soul is the collective consciousness of energy from previous human incarnations and other dimensional incarnations of beings, one may have been throughout their history. The Soul is the older, wiser, broader parts of you.
We are spiritual beings having a spiritual and human experience in a physical body.
Not every person living on planet Earth is an old Soul and has had previous incarnations. There are many Souls who are living on Earth right now, who are here for the first time. They are baby Souls.
An old Soul will have greater hardships and challenges than a relatively younger Soul and even more so than a new baby Soul.
“The Soul is repeating its HISTORY! HISTORY is literally repeating itself through us every day. ”
Energy from the past, situations, circumstances, events, conditions, illnesses, ancestral lineage energy, familial energy from the past and much more, are being re-created through the human entity part of a person, known as the spirit. Timelines from the past are being recreated.
Our Soul is wanting the human part of the person to feel the energy to heal it. Feel it to heal it. Therefore, we as a collective, experience ongoing emotional pain and suffering when energy, emotions, and circumstances are not addressed, and the inner work is not done.
Many millions of people all over the world who are very well-meaning, hardworking, good, kind-hearted, generous, loving and who have many other wonderful positive qualities, are experiencing debilitating hardships in different domains of their lives.
They do not deserve the hardship, however, it is part of the Soul’s journey to help heal the Soul, expand the Soul’s consciousness, to heal energy from their past timelines and past lives, so the past unsettled energy is transformed, and inner peace prevails.
So, if you are trying your best to do everything right in this world, you treat people respectfully and with kindness, are an honest person, live with integrity, are authentic and transparent, and are not understanding why your life is not going the way you hoped it would transpire, or you are unwell with health challenges, have the awareness there is much more playing out than you are possibly aware of.
Moreover, if you have done things throughout your life you wished you had not done to yourself or to other people, know there was a purpose for everything that transpired. You may have been subject to injustice in different forms by family members, relatives, friends, work colleagues, or affiliates, but know it is not your fault. Everything you experienced has been related to growth and it was created by your Soul to heal energy within you and transform it. Be kind and gentle to yourself. Let go of the unpleasant emotions, forgive yourself and other people you are not at peace with, and consciously release the energy from your being.
Following my own self-healing 26 years ago when I had Multiple Sclerosis (MS) warning signs, I have spent thousands of hours doing self-introspection and inner work, to clear energy from my past timelines and past lives, which I was born to heal during this lifetime.
This was the agreement I made as a Soul prior to my incarnation on planet Earth.
As a result, from 46 years of experience which includes 20 years of a nursing career, I condense my knowledge and Divine teachings into sessions relating to my work as an Energetic Healer, Soul Healer, SOUL-U-TIONS Mentor & Coach, Soulful Forgiveness & Atonement, Self Forgiveness/Self Acceptance & Atonement work, the channeling of light language to clear negative energies and energy blockages to allow abundance to flow more freely, and the clearing of future unpleasant timelines. The work I conduct allows me to help people at the Soul level where the energy was created and originated.
One of the key things I work on is helping people with their intuition to make informed decisions quickly. This reduces time and stress and helps people to live in balance, harmony, inner peace, health, have an abundant mindset and live the greatest, most magnificent version of themselves and their life.
For further information about how I can assist you on your healing journey and spiritual journey, I invite you to contact me through my website, www.caringenergetichealing.com.