Everything is energy
Image: Content Pixie
Everything is energy. We are energetic beings.
Everything we are experiencing during our physical experience on Planet earth relates to growth. Our soul is creating all situations, events, conditions, health challenges, serious illness for the purpose of spiritual growth. The experiences are opportunities to heal energy. Energy relating to our past lives, our ancestral lineage or in the present.
The soul is seeking inner work, personal and spiritual growth from every person to be done. Energy is transformed when thoughts change relating to the situation which has taken place. If you have an unpleasant experience or hold negative emotions towards a particular person, your inner self is not at peace. Energy becomes imbalanced.
You will feel unwell. Some signs and symptoms a person may experience include, sluggish energy, pain, inflammation, skin rashes, headaches, anxiety, irritability, discomfort, chronic fatigue, illnesses, insomnia-inability to sleep, addictions to substances, drugs, alcohol dependency, sexual addictions and different forms of excessive gambling. Your soul is giving you clues there is an imbalance of energy within your body.
Hatred is a TOXIC emotion. Never hate anybody, hatred damages cells and causes internal damage to the physical body.
If you are sick with a serious health affliction, the thoughts which created the illness will not heal the energy. Inner work is so important for the transformation of the energy which created the problem at the onset.
Forgiveness work via energy healing transforms energy. Doing written or vocal forgiveness work - relating to others or yourself - is transformative and empowering. The Forgiveness and Atonement + Soulful Forgiveness work I facilitate and conduct is profound, deep core transformative healing work.
Taking medication is temporary relief. Deep healing at the core of the issue requires inner work. Observe your body and the symptoms being presented. Your body is the barometer to your soul.
The soul created the problem. The soul will uncreate the problem for you. Your soul wants you doing the inner work, that is how the energy is transformed at soul level.
The work I conduct works on an energetic level addressing the past, present and helps with future energy. I utilize ancient tools and modern modalities, combined with my intuitive wisdom to help people to have balance, inner harmony, health and live the greatest version of themselves and their life.
If you are seeking positive changes in your life, I can help you via the work I conduct. I invite you to contact me via my contact page on this website.